Patrick Mashegwana – My discomfort and frustrations about the President


Today we share a story of Patrick Mashegwana who recently recorded a controversial song titled ‘P 4 President’. Read his story below and listen to the song too.  Here’s what he had to say:

Steve Biko said I write what I like. Martin Luther was assassinated for speaking against an unjust system.

I therefore have a duty to myself and my purpose to air out my discomfort and frustrations about anything in life and politics are no different. More than it is about anything else it is about venting out and expressing your frustrations. Every human being reaches a point where nothing else matters as long as their voice is heard and their opinion raised. Even if you can play music loud and scream without anyone hearing you, you feel slightly better.

I just do it the only way I know how, I don’t participate in violent protests and torch schools, I simply take a pen and paper and express my thoughts, feelings and frustrations. Putting it to a song is rhythm and poetry “RAP”. This is a medium which can make an impact and should be utilised as such. I find healing in music and solace in knowing that I put ink on my paper and have the guts to shout into the studio mic.

Moreover, there are praise poets and there are worrier poets. Pay a praise poet good enough money then he will sing your praises regardless, but the latter are about the core of the unspoken word . Making words dance, breathing into a melody and speaking from deep rooted sacred places to shine a light on the truth from hidden dark corridors cover up by marble floors and mahogany furniture. It is this light, shared through poetry, which restore the natural balance of the universe.

Just because it is not being said it does not mean it doesn’t exist. I am afraid of a man, but one who can tell the truth, I respect. This is not the time to let fear reign, it is a time for everyone to use what they have to fight against injustice and the abuse of power in every sphere, be it , work, school, church or even at home! My reasons for this are many but I should stress just one, and I quote Lupe Fiasco “as I drown in my regrets, I can’t take back the words I never said”. Close quote. With that being said please accept my apology if this song incites violence in anyway or form , I condemn violence with every last fibre of my soul, it was not my intention in recording the song.

Listen to the controversial song below.


Twitter: @P_forreal
Facebook Patrick Mashegwana

Thank you for sharing your views with our community, Patrick. 

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Education Ambassadors SA

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