Bursary Application BA Fashion Degree


In order to apply for the TFG Bursary at FEDISA, candidates must first apply and be accepted for studies at FEDISA.

Once accepted for studies, FEDISA will issue the candidate with a formal letter of acceptance.

This FEDISA letter of acceptance must be uploaded as part of the TFG Bursary application below.

Are you in Matric and interested in studying fashion?

TFG (The Foschini Group), a leading fashion lifestyle retailer, offers you the opportunity to study for a 3 year fashion degree on a fully paid bursary programme at SA’s leading fashion institute, FEDISA.

This bursary is unique in that it aims to develop empowered fashion professionals who can take fashion from ‘concept to consumer’, supported by a sound academic foundation in fashion.

So if you dream of a high-powered career in the exciting international world of fashion and want to be a either a fashion buyer, designer, stylist, editor or more.

Then FEDISA is your ultimate choice to make your dreams come true with a Bachelors Degree in Fashion.

This bursary includes:

  • Fully paid tuition
  • All textbooks and design kits
  • Sewing Machine & Overlocker
  • Accommodation
  • Clothing & room decor allowance
  • Macbook & software
  • Cell phone, airtime & data
  • Mid-year vac work at TFG
  • Coaching & support programme
  • Printing and transport allowance


To apply for this extraordinary bursary programme, a candidate needs to:

  • Be creative, business minded, and have a flair for fashion;
  • Have an exceptional academic record;
  • Have taken Art, Design and Mathematics at Matric level (recommended); and
  • Must be able to commence his/her studies in January of the next academic year

Closing Date”: 31 August 2016


Click Here to APPLY ONLINE

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Education Ambassadors SA

We’re an organisation and an online platform aimed at creating education awareness. We are passionate about people, education, entrepreneurship and also offer career opportunities. The platform was founded in 2012 by Dimakatso Lukhele. Contact us today: info@educationambassadors.org.za

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