Bursary Programme at Schauenburg Education Trust


The Schauenburg Education Trust focuses on selecting and financing students to obtain qualifications which have been identified as scarce skills and which will ensure that these skills are available for employment in South Africa. For the foreseeable future, Schauenburg Education Trust will focus on providing bursaries to students in their third and fourth year of study in the field of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at specified universities.


  • Bursaries for the 2016 academic year are intended to cover third and fourth year students studying Electrical Engineering Degrees (through specified universities) who are:
  • Black as per BEE legislation, with preference given to Black women, Black students under 35 years of age, and Black disabled students;
  • South African citizens with valid ID numbers;
  • Willing to attend interviews and undergo psychometric testing; and
  • Willing to spend university holidays doing vacation work or job shadowing at Schauenburg Systems (Pty) Ltd.

To apply for this bursary, students must be:

  • Full time second or third year students and;
  • Studying Electrical Engineering Degrees (BEng or BSc);
  • Studying at specified accredited South African universities (no bursaries for the 2016 academic year will be awarded to students for studies at a university of technology or college).

Who can apply?

  • Second or third year students studying Electrical Engineering Degrees (BEng or BSc) can apply for bursaries for their third and fourth year of study.
  • Applicants must have taken Maths (not Maths Literacy), Science and English in their matric year and achieved a minimum of a level 6 for all 3 subjects.
  • Applicants must also be able to show that they have made good academic progress during their First and Second year of their tertiary education while studying towards obtaining a degree in Electrical Engineering. Applicants must have passed all courses for which they have registered while at university.

Bursaries in respect of the 2016 academic year will cover some or all of the following costs:

  • 100% of the prescribed university tuition fees, registration fees and exam fees which will be paid directly to the university.
  • An amount equal to the average rate for accommodation in a single room at a university hostel at the university to which the student is studying. This rate will be determined by the Trustees of Schauenburg Education Trust and may be paid directly to the university.
  • An amount for meals based on three meals a day, determined by the Trustees of the Schauenburg Education Trust, and may be paid directly to the university.
  • An amount for text books and course material.
  • An amount for living allowances.

All payments in regard to the bursary will be paid as determined by the Trustees. Full details regarding payments will be communicated to successful applicants.

How to apply

Applications for the 2016 academic year must be received by Schauenburg Education Trust before 30 October 2015. Click here to apply online (Applicants must apply online and must submit their matric results as well as their full academic record, to date, in respect of their tertiary education):

The online application should be able to support a section for the students to write a cover letter, as well as upload matric certificate, academic record etc as well as the personal details and a copy of the ID book) Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by the Bursary Administrators as well as the Trustees. Successful applicants will receive details relating to the Schauenburg Education Bursary Scheme, as well as a written contract and other information for completion.


  • Bursaries will not be awarded to students who are already in receipt of a bursary for the 2016 academic year.
  • Bursaries will be awarded based on objective merit and need, and other criterion determined by the Trustees.
  • Bursaries will be awarded at the Trustees sole and absolute discretion, and can be cancelled or withdrawn at any time should the conduct or academic results of the Applicant not meet the requirements of the Trustees, or should the Applicant breach the provisions of the Bursary Agreement.
  • The Trustees will identify the specified universities for study and can amend the list of specified universities at any time.

Via – Schauenburg SA

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Education Ambassadors SA

We’re an organisation and an online platform aimed at creating education awareness. We are passionate about people, education, entrepreneurship and also offer career opportunities. The platform was founded in 2012 by Dimakatso Lukhele. Contact us today: info@educationambassadors.org.za

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