Gert M Wessels Inspires Male Nurses



The Education Ambassadors SA team had a chat with Gert M Wessels who is currently working as a male nurse at one of the leading hospitals in South Africa. Read the story of Gert below and be inspired.

I have undergone a 4 year programme on which I obtained a National Diploma in ( General Nursing Science, Midwifery, Psychiatry and Community nursing Science). What inspired me to take this profession is that I’ve always wanted to work with people and help them in any way I could and in my line of work that’s exactly what I do. I currently work in a hospital setting where on a daily basis I help sick people to regain their health and go back to the community in the best health state possible.

As a nurse, I’m given a chance to work with God’s creation, ‘the human body’. I’ve always enjoyed ‘anatomy’ in high school and I have a huge interest to know how it functions and how it reacts to certain things. My career has indeed helped me to understand the human body and how it works.

It’s no secret that Nursing has always been perceived to be a female’s profession because it was started and founded by a female named ‘Florence Nightingale’. But no profession is for certain genders. Everyone can be a nurse whether male or female. Many Males are afraid to pursue this career because of the gender stigma attached to it. I mean I was also mocked by my friends when they discovered that I’m about to follow what ‘Florence’ started but because of the love I have for helping others I finished my 4 year programme and got registered as a professional nurse.

I really enjoy what I do and I encourage every male (or female) who wants to pursue nursing as a career and has the passion to do just that, to go ahead and do it. If you know that you are brave, bold and courageous then we are looking forward to having you in this life-changing industry.

Thanks Gert! We wish you all the best in your career. If you would also like to share your story with our community, email 


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Education Ambassadors SA

We’re an organisation and an online platform aimed at creating education awareness. We are passionate about people, education, entrepreneurship and also offer career opportunities. The platform was founded in 2012 by Dimakatso Lukhele. Contact us today:

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