
Writer: Xolile Charles Mphokela


He, who, from dawn to dusk toils for meager wages

Still sweating blaze like his ancestors long gone ages

May his strength and health not miss him?

For his children’ dreams may not look dim

Laboring for a future, that perhaps he might redeem

Yearns for payday, thus he can rejoice and claim his self esteem


To him, his job is a beacon of hope

The struggle and hardships unto his soul drilling a hole

Reflecting upon his bed to rest whereon the day must expire

In him I see a rage and exhaustion that glow like a wildfire

His dreams are still embedded in him by the light of the moon

For him the day dawns too soon


He of a blue collar, who witnessed the Marikana tragedy that the world still grieves

Is it the companies’ bosses or government that deceives?

They who march on the streets for their wages to be increased

For labour takes its toll on their bodies, some come home diseased

Perhaps, to them economic freedom is a foregone conclusion

In companies’ list of priorities they wait for their inclusion


At the request of their bosses, they work overtime and unfair hours

They experience the same plight as those fallen in Marikana, they yearn to lay fresh flowers

Flowers, that one day may sprout and bloom hours of ease

From their overalls they wash away the anger, not only the grease

The pain of farmworkers in De Doorns is never ending

They endure all kinds of ill treatment from sun rising to sun setting


Treated as subservient beings, because they are semi-skilled

They grieve at grievances foregone and dreams literally killed

The factory workers, the maids all suffer till sorrows end

Remembrance of things past and of God’s love that is lend

So many suffer in numerous and unknown ways

In time they shall find the place where sorrow stays


Facebook: Xolile Charles

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Education Ambassadors SA

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