The Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation is contributing towards skills development by providing opportunities to unemployed graduates to gain work experience in various skills areas.
It is therefore inviting applications for an Internship Programme that will run for a 12 Months contract period.
The internship programme is aimed at enhancing the employability of unemployed graduates aged between 18 and 35 years.
Applications must be graduates in fields specified below and/ or have successfully completed the theoretical part of study and are in need of experiential learning in order to complete the qualification.
We welcome applications from persons with Disabilities
Applications should be accompanied by certified copies of qualifications, ID, CV and Z83 Forms obtainable from government departments.
Faxed and E-mailed applications will not be considered.
Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation uphold the right to place or reject applications based on service delivery needs and requirements.
Successful candidates will receive a monthly stipend for the duration of the Internship contract.
Please note that due to a large number of applications expected, applications will therefore not be acknowledged in writing.
Be assured that your applications are acknowledged with appreciation.
A very systematic selection process is in place to ensure that we identify appropriate candidates and only a certain number will be selected.
Preference will be given to applicant residing in the area.
STIPEND: R4 034.00
Enquiries: Mr: Nkosinathi Gumede (011) 355 2739
Closing Date: 24 March 2017.
No applications will be considered after the closing date.
Applications must be hand delivered at
Central Corridor
115 Main Street, Mothomo Mall for attention: Mr. Clive Hlongwane
South Corridor
CCMA Building, Cnr. Kruger and Edward Streets, Vereeniging for attention:
Ms. Cecelia Phiri.
East Corridor
32019 Modjadji Street corner Zulu street, Faranani Multipurpose Centre, Tsakane for
attention: Ms Gezephi Mbata
North Corridor
111 Swaan Street, Eastlyn, Tshwane for
attention: Mr. Tyrone Hammond
West Corridor
Toekomsrus Stadium, Corner Bram and Retief, Toekomsrus for
attention: Mr. Bongile Ndlakuza