The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has opened the second phase of applications for 2017. Applications for university students has closed but still open for TVET College students and closes on 14 February 2017. NSFAS encourages all students who did not apply during the first phase of applications last year, to apply now.
What is NSFAS and what do they offer?
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a loan and bursary scheme operating in terms of Act 56 of 99 and funded by the National Department of Education. They offer:
- The means to obtain a tertiary qualification
- Loans at low interest rates
- Loans without guarantees
- A reasonable repayment plan.
What is a NSFAS loan?
The money you borrow to cover all the costs associated with your tertiary studies and this money has to be repaid.
You qualify for a NSFAS loan if you are:
- A South African citizen
- Registered at a South African university or university of technology
- An undergraduate, studying for a first higher educational qualification, or
- Studying for a second higher education qualification, if this is necessary to practise in your chosen profession (e.g. LLB or HDE)
- Able to demonstrate potential for academic success
- In need of financial assistance.
To apply on the NSFAS website, you will be required to register first to create your personal online account, and then proceed to fill and submit the application form online. You may need about 30 minutes to complete this online process, and must also have scanned copies of the following required attachments:
- Matric Certificate
- Identity Document/Birth Certificate
- Last Academic Results
- Proof of parents income (If parent/s employed)
- Death Certificate/s (If parent/s deceased)
- Doctor’s Certificate (If permanently disabled
How to apply
Click here to apply online or alternatively, you can download the application form, fill it in and post it to:
The 2017 Online Applications
Loans and Bursaries
Private Bag X4
Cape Town
OR you can scan and email to: or fax to: 086 644 2822
For queries contact NSFAS on Share Call: 0860 067 327 |
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