Nothing can stop YOU from getting want YOU want



Writer: Ntombifuthi Mtshali

I remember when I grew up I always had this feeling that I’m going to be a fashion designer since I was studying Home Economics in High school until my father showed me that I have passion for Journalism more than I do for making clothes.

When I finished my matric in 2001, I fell in the statistics of students who finished matric but could not study further due to finances. Things got worse when I fell pregnant after finishing matric the following year while at home, but that did not stop me from reading books and newspapers “ no matter how old they are, you must read them so that you don’t forget how to read and write” that’s what my father encouraged me to do.

It was in 2005 and my baby had grown when I went to SAPS back home in Bronkhorstspruit to ask if I could volunteer in any admin work, I knew that would be my stepping stone. It was amazing because they said yes and moved me to a busier SAPS Mpumalanga Highveld Headquarters where I started assisting in operating the switch board to assisting as an administration Clerk in Communications. While at the Communications Department in SAPS, my passion for Journalism grew even stronger as I used to interact with Journalists and news readers from print media and Broadcast. The only downside was not getting paid and that meant I still could not register for Journalism.

In 2007, the City of Tshwane Municipality accepted my application to work as a cashier in Finance department, I knew that this job was not my passion but I had to take it because I will be able to register to study. 2008 I studied Media Studies and Journalism and got my Diploma in 2010, I’m currently on my second year studying Communication Science with Unisa, I read news for Unisa Radio, and had written a few articles which have been published. I have my own Blog and am a member of National Press Club South Africa

One thing that keeps me going is the fact that nothing can stop anyone from getting what they want, as long as they put their mind to it.

“Trying times are not the times to stop trying.” – Ray Owen

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Education Ambassadors SA

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