Today we draw our inspiration from Nomphumelelo Mokwana Mehlela, originating from Emalahleni. Nomphumelelo is the proud owner of Exellophics Creations, a company that creates invitations and programs for any occasion.
My name is Nomphumelelo Mokwana Mehlela known as Mpume, I am 30 years old, born and bred in Emalahleni. I went to Khonzimfundo Primary School, then completed my Matric in Thomas Percy Slilo Secondary School. I hold a Paralegal Law Diploma, obtained 2009 with Boston Business College. I am a wife, a mother, a singer, songwriter, and businesswoman, above it all, I’m a child of God. I currently work at a law firm as a Secretary; alongside I have a business, which specialises in creating invitations and programs for any occasion.
What were the challenges and great things about growing up?
My mother got me at a young age, so I was raised by my grandparents of my father’s side. I was raised with so much love that I didn’t even notice that my father was absent. My grandparents raised me as their own child, it was like I was their last born. At some stage of ‘cous being a kid, I also wanted to stay with mom but circumstances didn’t allow. I then realized that I’m actually blessed coz I had not only mom to take care of me but my grandparents and my aunt, of which I am truly grateful for them. Growing up I was teased, about my head, lips, and stomach, (your head, lips are big, you do not have a flat tummy you look pregnant) that affected my self-esteem; I grew up thinking I was ugly and not good enough. As I grew, I had to learn that, I am fearfully and wonderfully created; that I am beautiful and I need not compare myself.
Your career? What is it that you do? What inspired you to do what you do?
About my business: We are Exellophics Creations and we do invitations and programs for any occasion. Our main goal is to always achieve a high level of customer satisfaction with the services and products that we provide.
What do you like most about yourself and the work that you do?
The late Dr Myles Munroe writes on one of his books “Potential is always present, waiting to be exposed”. Don’t accept your present state in life as final, because it is just that, a state. Don’t be satisfied with your last accomplishment, because there are many accomplishments yet to be perfected.” We are full of potential. I love my company simple ‘cos it’s my “baby” I get to discover my potential, I’m always eager to learn more and I find joy in creating and in satisfying my customers. I am glad that I am no longer that little girl who was teased and thought she is not good enough. I know now that I am talented and full of potential and not limited only on one thing. I have the potential to become whatever I what to be or whatever I want to do, it does not have to be one thing, as stated above. I am not only a singer but a songwriter as well, a secretary, and a businesswoman, and who knows maybe in years to come I will be also something else, there is room for anything, remember potential is always present.
What are some of the challenges which you’ve faced and how did you overcome them?
We are only two years old in the business but I can say we are a couple of months old because the business was only officially launched this year, so we are still growing. One of the challenges we have is lack of equipment that we need to do certain things and such is limiting us. We try and get other alternatives to produce and in so doing sometimes costing us profit. With time, we know that things will fall into place. We will have every equipment that we need.
What are some of your life highlights for you so far? What are you most proud of?
Within a few months in the business, I have already done jobs for few events (wedding, and parties) of which the clients were satisfied. Registering and launching my business is one thing I am proud of, that I finally came out of my comfort zone. Discovering skills that I was not aware I have and learning new ways as well to improve.
What, in your opinion, are the most important factors to keep in mind to make it in your career or life in general?
Luke chapter 11v9 “And so I tell you, “KEEP ON’ asking, and you will receive what you ask for. “KEEP ON” seeking, and you will find. “KEEP ON” knocking, and the door will be opened to you”. I believe the most important factor to keep in mind to make it is to “ KEEP ON” Keep on going never lose hope, keep the focus on the goal “consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you. You must clap for yourself during those times, you should always be your biggest fan”, never give up. They say, “Comparison Is the Thief of Joy” Never compare yourself to anyone, know you are enough as you are, and keep doing never stop. keep on trying, knocking on those doors. Eventually, we will make it.
Where would you like to see yourself in the next three years?
Because I am full of potential, I wouldn’t want to find my self at a place am in now but have grown as an individual, have discovered more talents, skills and abilities I have; also have grown in my business. Would like to see myself having overcome the challenges we are currently having in the business.
If there was anything you could do differently, what would it be?
Nothing at all!
Are there any specific people or organisations that you look up to and draw inspiration from and why?
I draw inspiration from my surroundings, seeing a big house that was once a four-room house that inspires me a lot to keep going that circumstances do change, eventually, we get where we want to be. Seeing other business who are doing what am doing who have years of experience in the filed also keeps me going, encourages me never to despise small beginnings.
Are there any inspiring projects that you are involved in?
Not currently. Hopefully, in the future, they will be.
Lastly, what advice would you give to others out there looking to follow in your footsteps?
What you have, the important thing is to start, and then everything will fall into place. Do not wait to have a big capital to start, start small, one step at the time, eventually, the big goal will be reached. never to despise small beginnings. Pray more and stay positive.
How can the public contact you?
Twitter: Exellophics Creations @ExellophicsC
Facebook: Exellophics Creations @ExellophicsC
Website if available: