Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons that reside within the Umdoni Municipal area and require experiential learning within the Municipal environment.
Only applicants that have completed a National Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree in the following disciplines are invited to apply:
Project Management Unit- Required Qualifications are:
i) National Diploma/Degree in Civil Engineering,
ii) Construction Management and
iii) Building
A stipend of R 150.00 per day is allocated to each learner to accommodate for travel costs.
How to apply
Applicants must forward a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, proof of residence and certified copies of qualifications and identity document together with a covering letter indicating the specific discipline they wish to serve their Internship in an envelope marked “Private and Confidential” to: The Human Resources Manager, PO Box 19, Scottburgh, 4180 by no later than, 08 July 2016.
Alternatively applications may be hand delivered to the Scottburgh Municipal Offices.
Applicants who have not been contacted within 30 days from the closing date should consider their application to have been unsuccessful.
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