Thuthuka Bursary Fund 2018


The purpose of the project is to annually place between 250 – 300 fully bursared Black African and Coloured students at selected SAICA-accredited universities in cohorts of 50 per university on special undergraduate BCom Accounting education programmes.

The accredited universities that are part of the programme are the University of KwaZulu-Natal, University of Johannesburg, Stellenbosch University, University of Pretoria, University of Cape Town, Free State University and the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

The Thuthuka Bursary Fund is looking for academically strong learners who aspire to become Chartered Accountants.

Students who do exceptionally well in Mathematics and have excellent marks in the other subject to qualify for university entrance may apply.

Do you qualify?

  • Do you have 60% in Mathematics in your Grade 11 Final Results (Level 5)?
  • Do you have enough points to qualify for university entrance?
  • Do you come from a family that cannot support you financially at tertiary?
  • Are you an African or Coloured learner?

If you answered YES to all the questions above, then you qualify.

Requirements for application of the Thuthuka bursary

Aspiring CA(SA) learners who wish to apply for the bursary must: Be a South African Citizen

  • Have obtained at least 60% (five or above on the NSC Scale of Achievement) in Mathematics (NOT Maths Literacy) in Grade 11
  • The learner must be a South African Citizen
  • Be in Grade 12 and applied (or be in the process of applying) for a BCom Accounting degree at a SAICA-accredited university offering the Thuthuka programme
  • Be African or Coloured
  • The learner must not be out of Matric/school for more than 2 years.
  • To be considered for the Thuthuka Bursary Fund, you are required to register and write the National Benchmark Test (NBT).

The Process of Awarding a Bursary

The application must have met the above criteria

The learner must have or be in the process of applying to one of the following tertiary institutions:

  • University of Johannesburg
  • University of Cape Town (Bachelor of Commerce code CB011 )
  • Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • Rhodes University
  • Stellenbosch University
  • University of Pretoria
  • University of the Free State
  • University of Witwatersrand (WITS)
  • North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus)

If you tick all these boxes, apply in one of the following ways:

Download the Thuthuka Bursary Fund application form BELOW, complete it and email it to or

Request an application form by calling 086 107 2422.

Applications for 2018 close on 30 April 2017


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Education Ambassadors SA

We’re an organisation and an online platform aimed at creating education awareness. We are passionate about people, education, entrepreneurship and also offer career opportunities. The platform was founded in 2012 by Dimakatso Lukhele. Contact us today: