Student Learnership Opportunities at CQS Technology Holdings


Kick-start your career with a 3rd year bursary and work-place experience at CQS Technology Holdings. If you are interested in joining CQS through our student roles, please view opportunities

CQS Technology Holdings is one of South Africa’s leading software houses specialising in the design, development and deployment of software products and the provision of professional services for the audit, risk management, financial services and corporate performance management markets.

Available Roles

1. Account Management Learnership (6 month fixed-term contract)

Learn technical skills and knowledge of account management and business administration within a corporate environment.

The learner will develop an in-depth understanding of our product offering and the sales skills required to provide world-class account management to our clients.

They will also provide administrative support to the Account Managers and External Sales Executives.

2. ACL Business Development Learnership (6 month fixed-term contract)

Learn the technical skills and knowledge of basic business development and sales administration within the GRC (governance, risk and compliance) software domain.

3. Marketing Learnership (6 month fixed-term contract)

Learn technical skills and knowledge of marketing within a corporate environment and gain experience in assisting the marketing team in the implementation of marketing campaigns for the various fields of marketing in the Audit Software division.

4. Audit Software Technical Support Learnership (CaseWare Working Papers)

Learn technical and practical knowledge on a best of breed auditing software tool and provide customers with product and technical support for this tool; both telephonically and via other channels (email, online, web).

5. Audit Software Technical Support Learnership (BackOffice Product Suite)

Learn technical and practical knowledge on a best of breed auditing software tool and provide customers with product and technical support for this tool; both telephonically and via other channels (email, online, web).


Completed Matric.

Expected to complete their second year of a relevant qualification in the above fields, at the end of 2015.

NO previous working experience is required

Click Here to Roles for Students

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Education Ambassadors SA

We’re an organisation and an online platform aimed at creating education awareness. We are passionate about people, education, entrepreneurship and also offer career opportunities. The platform was founded in 2012 by Dimakatso Lukhele. Contact us today:

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